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INTN: Summer Internship

The summer internship is an opportunity for you to gain some real-world experience, and to put into practice some of the skills you have developed in your first two years of study.

It is particularly important that you complete this internship before your final year if you did not have an opportunity for an internship between years 1 and 2.

It doesn’t matter which area of the curriculum you apply – or, indeed, if you are exposed to new material which you have not yet covered. The important thing is to make the most of the opportunities you are offered, and to accumulate evidence of your developing competence in whichever tasks you are set.

You should take care to record evidence of your achievements in your e-portfolio. Over the course of your studies, you need to develop evidence to demonstrate your competence in one of the core SFIA skills:

  • Information Security SCTY
  • Programming/software development PROG
  • Requirements definition and management REQM
  • Systems integration and build SINT
  • Release and deployment RELM

As well as evidence of your practical experience, you will also need evidence of your leadership skills, as specified in the SFIA framework.

Skills Contributions